Sunday 3 April 2016

Where do you see yourself in 5 year time?

Where do you see yourself in 5 year time?
(Ong Beng Fung)

Five years is a long time. Many things can change in that period and it is difficult to see where we will be, or even where we would like to be. Still remember when I was ten years old and adults would ask, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I would smile, and without batting an eye, answered teacher, actor, doctor, or whatever profession had recently stirred my curiosity. But nowadays I may not be so self-assured. When friend or people asks, “where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?” A worthy answer is often hard to muster. In my opinion, five years may seem like a very long time, but when you understand yourself and have a dreams set, those five years may go by so fast.

To find this answer, I think first thing should be self-understanding. First, I will ask myself what sort of person am I. I am a person who is positive about every aspect of life. And I am serious and strict. I never give up when I want to do something. There are many things I like to do, to see, and to experience. Secondly, what do I want out of my career? I want to be a professional manager like my father. I like the creative work and I’m interested in arrangement and management. Of course I also want have a high income job in future. Third is what do I want out of my life? I want make friend with many people and I also will go to travel with my friend if I have a high income job. Next will be what am I good at and what am I not good at. I think I am good at planning, but I’m not good in dealing with problem and sometimes not good at accepting opinions of others. I will spend more time to get rid of this problem. Fifth, what would my ideal job look like? I think I will be a professional manager in future.

Five years down the line I see myself in a position where my team members and juniors look up to me and aspire to become like me, in the ways I aspire to become a general manager in a big company. I wish to be able to command respect from my subordinate and teach them the skill of the management in the same way as I expect to be guided by my father along career path. With improved knowledge and proficiency I want to achieve bigger goals in the organization and will help my company in achieving greater heights. On the road to achieve the above goals, I’d like to strengthen my management and leadership skills, and move into my management role. In the coming five I also would like to learn new skills, take on extra responsibility and hopefully see myself advancing to the next level. By taking advantage of the current opportunity and resources, I would like to climb to the top of management role. With the passion and commitment to my work I expect to fulfil the needs and demands of my position so that I can produce quality output keeping in mind the reputation and goodwill of the company where I will be working in. Besides my current qualifications, I would like to go other courses from time to time that would help me improve my working skills and keep me update with the happenings in the industry. For sure I also have my weaknesses that I mention at above which is not good in dealing with problem and not good at accepting opinions of other. After working for a few years in the industry I wish that I already got rid of such what am I not good at, and be able to give research a new dimension and perspective. I’m still young and in the early stages of my career where I am willing to work on whatever I am asked to keeping my best side and without any doubt. As a young people, there is fire in the belly to work harder and craving to learn. The thirst of learning will help me to gain knowledge of all the main sectors on which economy is depended.

In the other hand, I also expect that my life in future five years, I already have an interesting and high income job, and I have my own financial management plan. I would take a little part of my saving to do some investment to let my income increase more. If have a high salary, of course I would buy belong to my own house, and stay with my lovely parents. I would live in a big city, in new home and neighbourhood. I told myself before if I got an ability I want to bring my parents to travel everywhere, future five years I can see that I gradually achieve of this. For certainly, I would find many new friend, there will be new obligations and things I would need to care about. Beyond that, I also sincerely want to keep in touch with my current friends, in five years all of us still can always gather after work. I know that in five year time, there will surely be a lot of changes in my private life, it’s a new challenge for me. Everybody has its own plans for near future. Now, for the starters I want to have my bachelor’s degree successfully completed. And then I would gradually began to build what I want in my future. I know it is not easy to achieve these, I would double diligently on my study, I want to be independent and stand alone. This is where I see myself in five year time, completed my degree, be a professional manager, and have a harmony family. I wish that my family member and my friends is up to me and support me, I believe I can make it.


Skillings, P. and Google+, P. (2013). Secret to Answering: Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?. [online] Big Interview. Available at: [Accessed 3 Apr. 2016].

Colley, B. (2016). Answering the Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years Job Interview Question - [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Apr. 2016].

StudyMode. (2016). Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years - College Essay - 976 Words. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Apr. 2016]. (2016). Where Do You See Yourself in the Next 5 Years? – How to Answer Tough Job Interview Questions. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Apr. 2016].

Where do you see yourself in 5 year time?

(Kang Sing Yee)

Where do I see myself in five years’ time?  Hmm…sometime there is still a question mark for me. I have repeatedly ask myself about this question when I started with my college life and there is about four year ago. As time flies, this year will be the last one year of my degree life and I should set a clear thinking and planning to my next future years. I would like to look myself after five years at a level where I will become a professional and successful person with possess of a lot experience, skills, and knowledge. 

Let’s say start the five year time from now, what the thing that I most probably to think is try my hard to get a good result to complete with my degree course and smoothly graduate in this tough last year! No matter how tough is, I will never give up and I must overcome with it. As I want my parent be proud to me all the way and do not let them disappointed and live up to their expectation on me. Thus, this is the current stage that what I would like to achieve and just begin with my next journey.

After completed with my degree course, I will be 23 years old. Obviously there are only two options for me to choose either start with my career life or continue with master of degree course. For sure I will choose begin with my career life and not continue studying because for my own opinion which is completed with my bachelor of degree and that’s enough for me. That is the reason why I choose begin with my career life and of course I know there will be another new stage and new challenge waiting for me in my future life.

In addition, after finish with my degree as a business student and I begin with my career life. I can imagine that I going to be an official worker and wearing with a formal attires and hand hold with a portfolio to work every day. I will prefer to join in with a management or administration job field instead of marketing job. Because I am the type of person very shy when facing and communicate with people. For the marketing job, firstly you must have a good communication skill to deal with the client and get the sales. Compare to the job management and administration, it just need to organize all the administrative activities and ensure that everything behind the scenes of a successful company is running smoothly. Hence, I believe that I have this capacity to manage and completed all the tasks nicely.

Furthermore, I also have such experience as an administrative assistance. After graduate with my Diploma in Business Administration course, while waiting after three month continue with my bachelor of degree and I found a small company to interview to get a job. Even though I have few times experience as a promoter and also cashier but this time the experience that I gain is totally different. And finally I get a job and I feel that I am so lucky to have this opportunity to work since I never have this kind of working experience before and also a fresh graduated student. This is also my very first time working experience in this kind of job field and I have to learn everything start from zero. For the job scope that I must doing every day is order the thing from our suppliers, organize and schedule meeting and appointment, issues the invoicing for our client, issues the quotation to our clients or dealer and upon confirmation from them just proceed the job, answering the phone and settle the problems that customer facing, replying the e-mail, scanning the copy, and filling all the invoices and quotations. There is lots of job tasks that I need to manage every day. Some people will feel that this kind of job is bored, no challenging but for me I feel that this kind of job is interest and more suitable to me. It is challenge me to perform well in every task. Administrative job not that easy as you all see and it is also one of the important roles in the company. Without administrative, the efficient operation of the company can’t going smoothly. This is also the reason that I want join in to the field of administration and management. And would like to thanks for my colleagues willing to teach me everything and share her experience to me and also my boss giving me opportunity to continue with this job although I am continue with my degree course. It’s also benefit to me when I looking for a better job since I have few years’ experience in this kind of job field.  This is one of the goals that I would like to achieve.

Moreover, surely it must take time to achieve all the goals that I mention above. But I believe that I will get what I should have deserved once I paid off all my effort. After get a better job, there is another goal that I would like to achieve is bring my parent travel all around the world. My parent is the one who willing to sacrifice everything to their child without second though and they hard work in order to give us a better life. They send us to a better school and college in order to let us become an educator person. Everything that my parent did for me I had remembered and never forgotten. Honesty I feel that very proud and lucky be their child and it’s my turn to take care and repay back to my parent.

As I mention earlier, what the thing that I would like to achieve in this year which is smoothly graduated with my degree course and get a better career life in this future years. One of meaningful quote stated that, “Move on. Never give up. It’s just a chapter in your life. Don’t close the book. Just move on to the next chapter.’’

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
(Loo Yi Huan)

“When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up? Our answers are for things like, Astronaut, President, or in my case, a Princess. When we were ten, they asked again. We answer Rock Star, Cow boy, or in my case, a Gold Medalist. But now that we’ve grown up, they wanted a serious answer. Well, how about this – “Who the hell knows? This isn’t the time to make hard and fast decisions, this is the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love – a lot. Major in Philosophy because there is no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind and change it again because nothing’s permanent. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way someday when they asked what we wanna be, we won’t have to guess – We’ll know.” This is a speech of Jessica (Anna Kendrick) during the graduation ceremony shown at the third installment of the Twilight Saga – Eclipse, and this is one of my favorite part in the movie that remind me of the future. How do I see myself in five year time? And now that we’ve grown up to be an adult who can make decision and know exactly what we want to be.

In five years, I can see myself is an independent woman who is successful in her career, and in the meantime, having a happy and lovely family. When I am officially graduated from SEGi College Penang with my qualification of Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management, I am driven to be the best at what I do and to have became a certified personal stylist and image consultant where I will have the opportunities to develop and utilize my skills, experiences, as well as knowledge, and work with people that I can really learn from. The reason why I would love to build a career in this industry is because when I was compulsory to attend a Personal Professional Development (PPD) programme in college, there is a Personal Branding & Professional Etiquette workshop which is in-charged by a professional image consultant, Ms Elizabeth Hor. She has inspired me about the speciality of image branding and professional etiquette and also caused me to underneath my interest in this industry. There are some of the most innovative thinkers are worked in this industry as well, and thus, I would like to become one of them.

My job task in this career is to help individuals strengthen their presence in every setting and for every purpose whether it means how to dress for an interview, a promotion opportunity, or to feel confident and comfortable at social events. The most important things of developing the unique personal image of an individual is to enhancing his or her visual presence, strengthening the business and social etiquette skills, as well as coaching on interpersonal skills. For my career goal to achieve in the future in this industry, I will try my best and committed to establish a brand image consultancy firm with the objective to train and coach numerous corporate executives, helping them define and refine their brand and image through their appearance, behavior and also communication.

Moreover, being successful in my career is also driven me to be financially independent. Financial independence implies that a woman can manage her expenses. If there are children, it implies that both of the parents can manage the expenses of the whole family. In ancient times, man used to be the sole bread winner in many societies. However, this is not true in the new era. Women nowadays are playing a significant role in contributing financially to the family. According to different culture and societies, people tend to have different perceptions. Some of the people may think woman should need to work to share the family household, but there are also some of them with old-school mind still thinking that woman should stay at home and take care of their children and focus on the family, not the money. In fact, there are several advantages if woman being financially independent. One of the benefits is that a woman who is independent in financial can help to increase herself in self-value and self-esteem. The achievement of financial, career, social, emotional, and personal independence gives me a sense of accomplishment that eventually changes how I rate myself and how others thought of me. A great booster to my self-esteem and personal success is by increasing of self-worth that comes with the independence. Other than that, being financially independent woman can also help to contribute financially to my family. Economics nowadays is increased gradually. Therefore, when the inflation is up and prices are non-stop increasing, it is easier to own a home and meet family expenses if both partners are working. In addition, a woman who is being financially independent could not feel helpless.

Besides the career that I have succeed, I am also capable to maintain a healthy marriage with my better-half. I’ve got married to the man that I have dated since I was 18, and we have built a happy family with a precious gift from God, our little cute baby. Even though I am not really a submissive woman, but my partner will respect me and love for who I am. We used to share our joys and our sadness. Although sometimes we may have quarrel and even argument, but we do know we would not be apart from each other, because we meant to be together forever, and I assure it could be.

This is what I can see myself in 5 year time, I do not ask for too much, but this is what I heartily yearned for. As we all know, there must be several blocks actually will pull you down when you try to achieve your dreams, but right now, I strive to believe that I will success to accomplish my goal and I used to motivate myself and keep a peaceful mind at most of the time. Well, who knows? Let’s check this out whether it is successful or not after 5 years from now!


Skillings, P. 2013. HOW TO ANSWER: Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years? [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 2 April 2016].

Movieclips. 2012. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (4/11) Movie CLIP - Graduation Day Speech (2010) HD [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 2 April 2016]. 2015. Elizabeth Image Branding [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 2 April 2016].

Nairaland Forum. 2013. Why Women Should Be Financially Independent. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 2 April 2016].

Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years Time?
(Goh Fang Yi)

I still remembered when I was study in the primary school, many of the teachers will asked me the same questions in the first class. The questions were what is your name and followed by the questions of what is your ambition when you grew up? My answer would always the same for first question, but there is always a different answer for the second question. My answer could be a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, a policemen, and etc. But, all of these ambitions just a dreams or just adored to those career. We never give a time period to see ourselves when we are a child, because we still groping for our future.

Where do I see myself in 5 years time? When I was in secondary school, I already have a clear mind set of what I’m going to do after I had graduated in secondary school. I’m not come from a rich family, so when I was 14 years, I started to work as part time worker in a factory as my first job. I don’t even get any pocket money from my parents when I was in secondary school yet all of school fee was pay by myself. I never complain any difficult life I have throughout these years. I have learns to smile at every situation. Consider it as an opportunity to prove my strengths and ability. After graduated from secondary school, I’m surprisingly to do what I have plan to do which is escape from Form 6 (because my father hope that i can continue to study in Form 6), and come to SEGi college to continue my diploma life. Although it was very hard for me at the beginning, because I’m from Kedah, and everything here for me was new and I don’t even have someone guide me. But no choice, this is my decision, no matter how hard it is, I need faced it positively. I can say that I’m a person who is stubborn, ambition, and never give up easily.

5 years from now, I could see that I’m happily graduate my Bachelor Degree with my lovely classmates, group mates, and my best friends. I have many times imagined that I want to throw my Graduation cap Quartet with my lovely friends in the convocation days. That is the day which can prove that I have completed my Bachelor Degree successfully with no regards. Study in Bachelor Degree is not as easy as I expected, and not difficult as I thought. My father had put very high expectations on me because I’m the only child out of 5 who had studying until Bachelor Degree. “Nothing is difficult to the man who will try”, and “you had make it”, this is the only things I want to tell myself.

In addition, the 5 years time that I could see myself is I am working in HR departments in a well-known company. I want to see myself in that position where I can get the respect and give the respect. The respect I get not because of my position at that time but because of my hard work, experience, skills, and my friendly nature with the colleague. I could use my leadership skills in the workplace that I had established when I’m studying in my Diploma and Bachelor Degree in the college.  In the 5 years period, I want to look myself more confident, experienced and responsible in the company. This is an important key asset to work in the competitive working environment. As human desires are unlimited, I desire to achieve my goal with my work efficiency and dedication towards my work.

Moreover, the 5 years time that I could see myself is I want to own a car with my capabilities. It’s not necessary have to own a luxury car, it may be any car which I may afford to buy. I also want to extensive my friends circle in order to know more about different types of friends in terms of characteristics, ideas, and personalities. This could make me know more about the society and this could help me in future. When I have anything to need help in the workplace, they could help me with their experiences and give ideas for me to solve the problems. Besides that, I also want to learn and make some safety investment in that period of time. I want to earn a lot of money to buy a house that belong to me and my family. I want to give a better life to my parents.
Further, I also want to bring my parents to travel at least one time when they still have ability to walk. My parents already reach the age of 60- 65 years, and they never take a flight before. I wish I could accomplish this dreams for bringing them to travel. In this 5 years period, I want to be a filial piety daughter to my parents. I want to make up my filial piety towards my parents throughout the years when I’m studying in Penang almost 5 years. When I’m in age of secondary school, I always try to find any ways to get rid of my parents’ “clutches”. I don’t appreciate their care and attention, I’m just felt that they were too annoying and disturbing on my personal things and any decisions making. After I have living outside alone for a period of time, I just realize that I needs them to care about me, miss their nagged on me, and I felt that how desolate of me to live alone. People will always learn to treasure when they had lost. Don’t make yourself regret when you still have time to treasure.

Five years is not too long and too short; Five years time could happens many incidents and things, at the same time it could nothing to be change. “Where do you see yourself in 5 years time” is a good question. No one knows about tomorrow, it is very unpredictable. But still as a human being would definitely like to see their future in the way they like. “If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same”. 




Skillings, P. and Google+, P. (2013). Secret to Answering: Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?. [online] Big Interview. Available at: [Accessed 3 Apr. 2016]. (2016). Where do you see yourself five years from now? - HR Interview Questions and Answers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Apr. 2016].

Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years Time?

(Tang Cheah Ying)

Sometimes, we are just rushing to pursuit a kind of pleasure or an excitement and would be tired a long period of time. Only we seriously explore the things we want to know or understand our direction, it may achieve our goals or dreams to find new happiness and joy. So, where do you see yourself in 5 year time? The future is like an unknown journey to let us imagined all sorts of answers and we are always full of confusion and look forward to the future. Yet, I'm excited about my future because I have big hopes and dreams for my future.

In the past 10 years, I walked past the primary school, high school, also been through diploma, until now taking degree studies and waiting for successfully completed my learning career at the university. However, the course of my life is far from over, the next course I will be going to go through the social environment. Where do i see myself in 5years time? Today, I'm still in the way of learning, and constantly looking for my direction and future goals. First of all, I would like to earn a degree certificate, that’s why now I’m studying degree. Because it is a great step into jumpstarting my career goals and putting my on a path towards success. Nowadays, most careers require that the person has specific knowledge, education background, or a specific degree when it comes to furthering or advancing in their career, it is such a comparison social right now. Therefore, once i able to obtain proper education, I can look to increasing my career goal options.

My career goals:
1   .     Saving money from my job, stock,investment and good in financial planning.
2   .     Buy a house for investment.
3   .     Open a restaurant.
4   .     Take my parents to travel overseas.

Of course, after I graduate, I would like to find a job, a job with sanctified salary and a good boss will do. After saving money enough, as my interesting, I would like to open a restaurant selling some food that I like. Because I really do like cooking, cooking is my interest. I can define happiness by the moment when people eating the food that I cooking and giving some satisfied comment. I know somebody may ask, so why do u still wanted wasting your time to taking diploma and degree course? Why don’t you just go ahead to earn money and open a restaurant as you like? As I mentioned above just now, obtain proper education, I can look to increasing my career goal options. Besides that, I believe in some success define by whether the job suits me and by how much joy I have as a result of my work. I define it by the joy I feel when I’s doing the work; the joy I feel when I’ve finished the work; and by the joy that others feel as a result of my work. In the other hand, If the work doesn’t add to our sense of happiness and joy of ourselves and others, then no matter how much money we’ve earned or how many accolades we received, we also doesn’t feel successful in our life.

Moreover, I would like to earn a Management Position such as Human resource as I have interest in this position and I find myself is a decisive thinker. For small businesses and large company alike, the human resources is a more helpful department than simply processing payroll or handling the open enrolment season once a year. Human resources play an essential role in developing a company's strategy as well as handling the employee-cantered activities of an organization. By the way,  human resource not only is the process of hiring and developing employees, it may includes conducting job analyses, planning personnel needs, recruiting the right people for the job, orienting and training, managing wages and salaries, providing benefits and incentives, evaluating performance, resolving disputes, and communicating with all employees at all levels.  So that this department become more valuable to the organization. Furthermore, the working hours of the department is according to standard office hours which is standard 9am to 5pm per day, normally 5 days working hours per week. That means I have enough of time to accompany my family in weekends.

In addition, I want to filial piety my parents as well as I can. I would have financial income as I get a job afterwards. Since I was a child, my parents may have paid a lot for my entire education and life past the age of 22 as I’m talking tuition, books, basic necessities of life, smartphone, laptop, travel expenses and perhaps somethings luxurious. Thinking about this 5 years of college education, it’s around 80k of school fee, and maybe sometimes more.

Besides that, the key common denominator in all of this is that my parents worked like mad to keep the whole family alive. They even woke up earlier than us everyday, to send me and my siblings to school, prepare breakfast, and then go to work. Therefore, they didn’t sleep much, scrounged, saved, cared, loved me and my siblings and basically did everything in their power to provide for you no matter how little it was. Even they didn’t have much but they gave it all to you. When i graduate college and get a job. I would like to treat them to yearly vacation and choose a nice and relaxable place to them, as long as they get to enjoy their life on my dime of course they are no longer to pay for anything such as hotel, flights, food, transportation (cabs naturally), and spending money should be included. They already have a busy life because of me, it's time I do what I should do for them. By the way, after I bought a house. I will always reserve a place for them in my home, I will never to turn away my parents if they come for a visit to stay with me even I have my own family.

Lastly, I define success as always doing my best. Success can be achieved when you try your best in all aspects of everything you do. So I will try my best to making this possible. 


Dr. Linda Seger. Fairfax County. Five ways to define success. [ONLINE]  [Accessed 2 April 2016]. Available from:

FLORENCE NG. JUNE 10, 2014. Top 6 Achievable Career Goals. [ONLINE]  [Accessed 2 April 2016]. Available from:

Ruth Mayhew, Demand Media. Ten Reasons Why the Human Resources Department Is Important. [ONLINE]  [Accessed 2 April 2016]. Available from:

People management CIPD. Qualification of HR. [ONLINE]  [Accessed 2 April 2016]. Available from:

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